Morning coffee

Coffee is a fairly new discovery for me. I have always been a proud tea drinker. But, one year I bought some coffee while I was visiting my brother in Peru. Truth be told, it was for my son who is a coffee drinker. Time went on, he did not drop in to visit, so I decided to have a little taste.

I’ve never looked back.

As a new entrepreneur, I was looking for daily routines that would keep me focused. Morning coffee became part of beginning the day with something stronger than tea, which helps set the tone.

Most coffee drinkers are grabbing a couple mugs of joe on their way out the door. Something to wake them up. But, according to scientific research, coffee in moderation has a ton of benefits for you - reduces risk for Diabetes (Type 2), Parkinson’s, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, MS, certain kinds of cancer, depression.

And, it smells SO good.


Coffee is one part of my morning combo – coffee & journaling. I started keeping a journal when I was 25. It had been given to me as a gift. Like most nice things that we do not want to use, I did not want to write in it. Finally, I decided I would write in my neatest handwriting to compliment the book itself. 

In the first week, my then one-and-a-half-year-old son scribbled on the first page. I giggled. It was as if the universe was telling me to get over myself. Isn’t life like that sometimes? We do not want to start something until it’s perfect. Or until we are good at it. Disclaimer: Life is messy. 

Looking back over my journal entries now, I can see the struggle. But, I can also see where I would not let go of a dream. The times where I achieved something I was striving for – a degree or promotion. It also helped me clarify my purpose. Why am I here? intertwined with disappointments and daily struggle.

Start with a gratitude journal and expand from there. Or, pour out all the things you want to say out loud but don’t because it may hurt someone’s feelings or get you fired. (Not everything you write has to be positive.) You may begin with “I have no idea what to write”. Fantastic. Are there other places in your life where you feel stumped?


Second disclaimer: Life is difficult. The hardest time in our lives has to be birth to 5 years old. Think about it – learning to roll over, sit up, eat, walk, read, play with others. Everything. Then there are all the feelings like fear when your mom or dad leaves the room. Naps are salvation! 

Life as become busy and more complicated since the beginning of the industrial revolution. We move fast. In the last 50 years or so, both parents have to work so managing the household becomes a second job.

Naps are not a luxury.

I have always been a big fan of naps to boost my energy. In college, my naps were longer – an hour on Sunday afternoon. As a single mom they were 10 minutes - when I put my son down to nap, after work before starting dinner, at my desk during lunch. Maybe they were more “just resting my eyes” naps.

You need to recharge. Instead of the afternoon coffee to pick you up, try a nap. Just 10 minutes. You will not fall asleep (until you get super good at naps). It is more of a meditation. Breathing in, breathing out. Noticing any thought that comes in and allowing it is float away (or mentally jotting it down on your to do list for later).

Naps improve mood as well as alertness, which leads to stronger performance. Ideally it is at the same time every day. Part of your routine. Days are often unpredictable, I know. Even if it is not a daily habit, can you think of times where it would fit? Dropping the kids at practice and taking 10 minutes in the car before they go in, for example.


When do we ever think about breathing? We may think about it when we are doing that requires us to focus on it – yoga, meditation, swimming. Otherwise, do any of us think about our breathing throughout the day? 

I need to set a reminder on my phone. (There’s probably an app.) When it goes off, I close my eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Right down to the bottom of my lungs where oxygen does not usually get to with shallow breathing. If I am in a meeting, I don’t close my eyes but I still take deep breaths. 

Breathing improves blood flow, which increases energy. It reduces inflammation and improves digestion. It also stimulates the lymphatic system which helps to detoxify the body. You do not have to drink anything weird to detoxify. Just breathe and let the oxygen do the work for you.

Combine with a nap if you’re worried about time.


I know, I know keto fans - the carbs! Hear me out. It is 20 net carbs, which is a lot. But you have to have to get the sweepers in there to deal with the LDL cholesterol. I mix 1/3 cup of oatmeal with a tablespoon each of chia seeds, hemp seeds, and ground flax seed. That’s 9 grams of protein!

Plus, oatmeal is a stick-to-your-ribs type food that stays with you all day. (Listen to your grandmother.)

Simple Life

These things sound incredibly simple. Yet, they pack a huge punch in terms of benefit for your mind, body, and soul. Everything we do these days seems to be geared toward taking care of others. At work. At home. Even if we do turn our attention to ourselves, it is usually to try and manipulate our weight or our mental health in some way.

What if we added just a few things a day that took care of our us long term? Daily rituals and routine that keep us grounded in a few things that tell the universe we are grateful for our life and will do our part to keep things working well.

This list are things I try and do each day. They may not be perfect, but the intention is there. You may have your own list. What do you do each day to take care of you? Just a little.


Angry Fat Girl


I Know I’m in There Somewhere